Bioprospecting & Biorefining
A conversation on innovative ways to
grow Maine's Blue Economy
Industry experts from Iceland, Norway and Germany will head up a panel focused on best practices that are utilized when bioprospecting and biorefining in their respective countries. The panel will demonstrate how government, university and private sector assets are all necessary to be when value adding in the blue economy.
Friday, Dec 17, 2021
0900 - 1000
via Zoom
We're pleased to be joined by:
Jeanette Hammer Andersen PhD of MARBIO
in the Norwegian College of Fishery Science at UiT Norway | Norway
Alexandra Leeper of Matís
Aquaculture Project Manager | Iceland
Pedram Dehdari PhD of Ensymm
Managing Director | Germany
Patrick Arnold of the New England Ocean Cluster
CEO | Maine
The panel will cover:
Methods and lab equipment needed for bioprospecting
Methods and infrastructure needed for commercial-scale biorefining
Examples of collaborations between industry, government and academia
Made possible by:
Entrepreneurship in the Blue Economy (EITBE) is an event series created by the New England Ocean Cluster to share the stories of ocean-focused entrepreneurs and project leaders in Maine. Each session is free to attend and includes a curated panel of speakers who share their own intimate and organic perspectives on the topic du jour. Created in 2019, the program’s intent is to convene an engaged audience to raise awareness, promote dialog, and facilitate connections amongst those interested in the region’s blue economy.
For 2022, the EITBE series has become a part of Transforming the Blue Economy (TBE), a purpose-driven collaboration created by the World Ocean Observatory, a 501c.3 non-profit, and the New England Ocean Cluster. The project endeavors to advance and modernize New England’s ocean-minded industries through education and community engagement; by bridging the gap between capacity and need; and by assisting in the creation of sustainable and innovative enterprises.